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Ana Laíns defines this album as “a love letter. A letter written with the pen of resilience. But it's also a letter that I started and tore up many times over the last 20 years. Why? Because it is not always easy to deliver my whole heart to my country, to the condition of being born here, and most of the time not getting the same love in return”.
Besides being a recording / celebration of 20 years of career and dedication to the promotion of Portuguese Language and traditional culture, this album also has the peculiarity of not forgetting the 2nd official Portuguese Language, Mirandês. All the lyrics in the lineup were translated into this language.
Portucalis is Ana Laíns' dream country!
And it is also her 3rd album, entirely dedicated to the Portugueseness which defines her identity for more than 18 years.
Apart from labels, rules and pre concepts, Portucalis is a transversal record that travels through the vast Universe of colors of Music, Ethnography and Portuguese Languages. From Galician-Portuguese to Mirandês, passing through current Portuguese, from Fado to Traditional Music from different portuguese regions, such as Beiras or Trás-os-Montes.
Special guests are Ivan Lins, Luís Represas, Mafalda Arnauth and Filipe Raposo.

Quatro Caminhos was a daring album by the time it was recorded in 2009, very thought out and felt, in which Ana confirms her diversity and coherence. Again, she counts on Diogo Clemente’s complicity by producing, and Amélia Muge by searching the right lyrics.
“I feel much richer because I have had the opportunity to go through many forms of musical expression. I took from this journey the best lessons, the best teachings, and today I see music as a free and globalized form of expression. It may seem like a paradox, but perhaps this knowledge is the biggest reason for my loyalty to Fado, traditional music and Portuguese language.”

Sentidos is a thoughtful and careful approach to contemporary fado, combining traditional lines with the fusion of less usual instruments, such as the accordion or the cello, without any kind of modesty or fear of disobey its essence. On her debut album, Ana Laíns chooses some of her bedside poets for company, such as Florbela Espanca or António Ramos Rosa, and she seeks sounds that match her eclecticism as a singer.
"Two in one. In this record by a fado singer (non-fundamentalist) we discover an amazing composer / arranger, Diogo Clemente. And then we find this voice, unusual, vibrant, enchanting, going through Ramos Rosa, Florbela, Tiago Torres da Silva. I feel like saying it is perfect.”